MLM scam - friend completely brainwashed
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Author:  yorawareness [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  MLM scam - friend completely brainwashed

Recently a friend has become involved with an 'MLM' company - YOR Health - and I am incredibly concerned to say the least. I started looking into the company and found so many problems that I decided to start a blog <>. Mainly this is due to the number of 'fake blogs' out there written by the minions of YOR Health that usually include one post of about 2000 words that explain how "at first I was skeptical, but then I realised YOR Health is the best company on the planet!!" etc etc.

I did receive an email from an anonymous <> yesterday with a semi-threatening message - I just want to know if anyone else has experiences with this company, or would be willing to lend some insight into suggestions on helping a friend who has been completely influenced.

Thanks so much for reading.

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