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 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:36 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:57 pm
Posts: 8
Thank you for this site, without it I would NEVER have discovered what a scam artist Marston Charles is.

He preys on women from the B2B dating site. His emails are: and

I was never looking for a husband, just a penpal and he managed to gain my trust. I consider myself to be intelligent and astute and never thought I would be prey for a Nigerian scam artist.

Thank you again for the opportunity in exposing these evil people.

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:13 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 60
That is a splendid result :D and well in moments like that I will agree with you that Love does stink!!! But despite my own experience, I am not prepared to give up on it, that would be giving up on myself. I am just giving up on internet dating full stop. Talking of which, as a matter of interest, did you report this guy to the website?- I would be interested to know what they came back with.

Take Care, and don't give up on Love!

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:35 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:57 pm
Posts: 8
Yes I did report him to the site immediately. Their reply was that they would take the matter further. I cannot check up on this as I am no longer a member with b2b. Like yourself, I will no longer be part of any dating site, which is sad as I made some lovely friends on it. What astounds me is that he knew exactly how to get to me. I was very skeptical for a while and I did question a lot of his mails as being copied which he of course denied, but soon I fell into his trap. When he telephoned me, all my doubts disappeared.

By the way, my exact letter appears on the first entry by hugsandkisses in 2005. I felt sick when I read it.

I was hoping for another communication from him so that I could get his details and forward them on to the authorities, but I believe there is so much of this going on that the Nigerian authorities wouldn't even care.

I will post him on as many scammers sites as I can find. If I can help ONE woman out there from going through this I will. We have all been hurt already in some way and to have these people taking advantage of us is beyond my comprehension.

When a rock has been placed in your life, you can stumble and fall, or you can step over it and move forward ... I choose to move forward.

Thank you for your reply - I will try not to give up on love!

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:24 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 60

When a rock has been placed in your life, you can stumble and fall, or you can step over it and move forward ... I choose to move forward.

I really like that and react pretty much the same as those nasty curve balls life throws in our ways. My personal reaction was that I was going to turn this to my advantage as I refused to loose to a scammer so I am doing pretty much the same as you by trying to spread the word out.

I got some pretty lovely letters myself and did not know how to react to them really. Let's face it, who writes letters like that these days but on the other hand, they remain lovely. At the end we are good hearted in people and feel for others. That is how they get us eventually, I guess.

I reported him and 3 others whom I had come accross to the dating website but they never got back to me and told me they could not give me what was behind the profiles as they had been deleted. Now, we all know that nothing gets ever deleted completely. The website also admitted to me that they had a big issues but did not what to do about it but that at the end they had a lot of successful stories..Oh well, if this is the case then...LOL...

The authorities? Gee, banged my heads on all the possible doors and after I had given out all I had collected from him in terms of passports, telephone numbers and so on and so forth, the nice FBI agent told me that she would not update me on the findings as "it could compromise the investigation"...Please, stop me laughing here...what investigation?"" They are overwhelmed with these complaints and have very little influence on the Nigerian authorities. I strongly beleive that it is not in the interest of the Nigerian govt to enforce 419 but that is my own personal opinion. Despite all, people still need to log their cases regardless as it highlights to the authorities that this is a growing issue.

Like this site promotes, powers is in the numbers and we need to keep reporting these guys. If I had my way,I would have billboards and television adverts showing their letters and pictures, kind of propaganda type of campaign..LOL..but that is me. Nothing frightens me really..

Don t give up on Love! These guys robb take a lot from us but we should not allow them to take the most precious part of us which is our hearts.

Take great care!

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:57 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:57 pm
Posts: 8
Hey D

This guy phoned me last night on my land line after 5 days of silence. I got such a fright and kept silent. He then phoned about 12 times which I ignored. He came online and said he had sorted his problems out, but could I loan him $200 and he would pay me back when he comes here.

I asked which hotel he was staying in and his cell number - he gave both - I tried to phone the hotel in Nigeria (I got the number off the net) but couldn't get through. So, eventually I just told him via messenger that I know he is not real and I had checked up on him without giving him any details - he is acting shocked and said "What do I mean?" - I am just going to ignore him now, but am getting a bit nervous that he has my number and could easily look up my address.

Any suggestions on how to handle this?

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:39 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 60
Hey, good on you not to give into his game. In your shoes, what I would do is to take all the information you have and go to your police station saying that you are concerned for your safety. I had a very similar episode and contacted the police. They might say that as long as you have not been threatened they cannot intervene but you need to raise the issue with might not sort this out but it will not hurt.

If he is in a hotel and you cannot get through, that is a little strange. You try to search the cell number but you might find it is registered somewhere in Las Vegas or some strange place which have nothing to do with him. If I may ask, what number did he give you? It is easy to identify if it is a re directed number but may be you looked into that.

Warn the police if any migh bare no result but it might make you feel a little more secure Knowing that they are did for me...

And one more thing...take that 200USD, go out and buy yourself some very pointy new shoes so that you can kick his backside real hard with on email..LOL..

another thing is when he calls press the answer and say nothing..that will spend his telephone credits.....

At the end, you need to do what makes you comfortable. If you want to cut all contacts that is absolutely reasonable.

I cannot believe this guy has been going around since 2005 or so I understand and he is still at it. or it might be a group of several scammers using the same character.we need to entrap him/them

Not sure if that helps

Last edited by Dahlfi on Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:45 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:57 pm
Posts: 8
Hi D

The number he gave is +2348130213412 . Perhaps I was doing something wrong with the dialing code or their lines were down.

Thanks for the advice. I'm even starting to think I'm going crazy and maybe he is legit - then I read my exact mails and realize he's not!!

My worst fear is that he arrives on my doorstep here in South Africa.

Yeah, think I will go and spoil myself - Good Idea!!!

Never mess with a woman - We are tougher than they give us credit for!

take care

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:52 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:33 am
Posts: 123
iwaslucky wrote:

Any suggestions on how to handle this?

What you need to do is ignore him completely. Do not try to get in touch with him by calling him or his hotel. You will only be wasting your money.
Do not answer his calls!!! When you do he knows you are there and he will keep on trying as long as he knows that. Best thing would be to get a new number. Next best thing is ignoring his calls and him alltogether.

Remember he thinks you are in love with him. By responding to him, even if it is to insult him, you will confirm this idea. Responding to him in any way to him means he still has a chance to get some money.
Only by ignoring him completely it will go away in the end.

Excuse me, ma'am. Is your refrigerator running? *gasp* It IS? Well, you better go catch it before it runs away! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:01 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 60
I like your style...and do not give into him..but you can most definitely play with him like making him call you so that he spends his phone credits not your phone bill..keep him hoping he is going to get something out of you and collect more info..that is is the risky side and I do not give you advice to do that but that is how I handled my own issue

I do not think he will show up cos he is nothing like the scammer was supposed to be a 48 US white guy and turned out to be a 20sthg nigerian kid...excellent!!!

let me know

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:28 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 60
Hey, what Pennywise told you is the right thing to do if it is the way you want to go.
In the meantime, I have collected the picture and the phone number and I have sent it to my connections to see what they come back with

Basically, do what makes you feel good, if you want to play with him go along, if you don t as Pennywise said cut out all contacts. I have put a tracker on him so let see what happens but DO NOT SEND HIM MONEY EVER!

Take care,
your scam sister

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:24 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:33 am
Posts: 123
She should only play with him if it does not get to her and from what she writes it does. She is obviously frightenend and is that a feeling you want to cultivate? Playing with him means it will never be over. It might stop for some time, but as long as he knows you exist and are willing to talk to him he will be back. Do you really want to hear from him again in maybe 4 months time when you thought it was finally over?

What on earth do you think to achieve with the picture? It isn't his. They use pictures they collect on the internet from people that have no clue their pictures are being used.

Excuse me, ma'am. Is your refrigerator running? *gasp* It IS? Well, you better go catch it before it runs away! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!

 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:32 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:39 pm
Posts: 414
Location: Third Rock from the Sun
Pennywise wrote:
She should only play with him if it does not get to her and from what she writes it does. She is obviously frightenend and is that a feeling you want to cultivate? Playing with him means it will never be over. It might stop for some time, but as long as he knows you exist and are willing to talk to him he will be back. Do you really want to hear from him again in maybe 4 months time when you thought it was finally over?

What on earth do you think to achieve with the picture? It isn't his. They use pictures they collect on the internet from people that have no clue their pictures are being used.

I have to agree. It is not wise to keep in contact with the scammer who has scammed you. You would find this advise on any of the many anti-scammer web sites. It is best to block him.

NEVER send money

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 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:40 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 60
I agree with both of you and as I said I would not recommend it. However, dealing with this is a very individual decision. I guess the hardest part after discovering the scam is finding "closure". Personally, I needed to have the answers and I got them. For some people and that is the recommended way, cutting total contact is the best way. Again, I agree with you both.

I have accross a case as per the scammer was using the same picture which he had posted under various website but using different names. I am just curious to see if this a similar situation and if so and it can be thrown back at whoever is behind, might it be one or more of them, then, the character becomes usable.


 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:31 pm 
Site Admin/Co-Founder

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:09 pm
Posts: 2921
iwaslucky wrote:
When a rock has been placed in your life, you can stumble and fall, or you can step over it and move forward ... I choose to move forward.

I really like this. I have said many times that being a scam victim was life handing us lemons, but we made lemonade by creating this site and helping others.

Shawn Mosch
Co-Founder of
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 Post subject: Re: money order cashing and love stinks!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:34 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:57 pm
Posts: 8
Hello to all

Thank you all so much for your advice. Thank goodness he has not contacted me again. He knows his game is up.

I am considering contacting some of the women on his facebook page as he did accept me as a friend on his page. He has 33 women and 1 male friend. Some of the women are sexy russians and some are older women (one actually from SA). My objective would be to find out if the facebook page is real and if this guy has had his photos stolen or if the whole page is fake, then warn the women on there ... I am a bit nervous to do so, but if I can help stop this scammer, I feel I should. Also, if the page is legit, then the guy needs to know his pics have been stolen I think.

What I am finding so sad is I have been single for over 2 years and have taken this time to heal ... then when I finally open my heart ... I get scammed. I had told my sons and family that him and his son were coming to spend time with us. I feel like an idiot who was desperate, which I am not.

One of the best postings I have found is - Easy technical steps to bust any scammer - by: scammer-hunter in 2009. I never knew how to trace an IP address, by following those instructions, I traced his email to Nigeria. I only wish I had this information before and will be using the IP tracker now before I speak to anyone again - if ever.

take care and strength to you all

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