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 Post subject: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:00 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
On October 6, 2007 an email came in through MySpace. This was how my 6 months of nightmare began:

A "Giovanni Macciano" claimed to be an American doctor based in Iraq with the Red Cross. Divorced and with only a daughter, both parents dead - he posed as a man looking to start a new life. He wanted to get to know "Malaysian" lady as he is coming to Malaysia for a new life while looking to invest in biotech (as preferrential treatment given by government).

First of all, I really didnt understand why anyone as handsome as what was shown in the picture need to look for relationships online. I told him he has many choices when he comes here, many ladies would love to know him, there was no need to look for one online. He was attractive but I was in no mood to get involved romantically - since I was planning for a separation.

He sensed my reluctance, kept persuading me, saying one should never be closed to new possibility. Gradually I open up to chat. For one month, it was just chatting, but I kept asking for his business plans, thinking I really could help pave the way for his enterprise here. I also love his idea of "small time charity" - which fits into my ideal life plan.

Later I was told he helped some nobles escape the war that broke out in Iraq. The family was running for their lives with all the money they had and gave him some 4mil USD as a reward for saving their lives. He would then show picture of a chest of cash.
Now, truly I was unmoved by the story at all. I only told him, fine, just be very careful with the money for it may bring dangers to him. I did not think much about it - for these money if managed badly, cannot last very long. I have met people who made more money than that and I prefer real businesses that bring in continuous flow. Also, any lottery in Asia is about the same as what he had, or even more - and NOT in cash, which was dangerous and cumbersome, if not somewhat crude too.

He asked, "Can I trust you with my life?" Strong question and after pausing, I said, Yes. Then he told me a diplomat will contact me, and deliver something to me. I was not even asked if I am willing to receive it nor the contents of it. He later said all I need to do is to verify it as he had paid USD18K for the courier services, so that his thing can reach me SAFELY. I then told him better not, for I felt no customs would allow those kinds of "goods" enter without questioning. But he told me be cool, diplomats have special channel and I just need to keep it while he waits for relief doctors to take his place.

I was feeling uneasy and unsure - if he really would send me those money he had. If he really did, how am I to keep it? I really don't want to keep it for I have been robbed so many times at home and I did not feel easy at all. Rather, I felt a sense of heavy responsibility.

The very next morning, I received a call from a "Morris Clinton" claiming I need to pay USD2100 for "Non-Disclosure charge" at Singapore. I thought, OK, small amount and I can help "Giovanni" with that and sent USD2100 by Moneygram to Singapore Changi Airport.

Then the next day he was to come to Malaysia, then he was "stucked" at Malaysian customs. The staff at the diplomatic channels wanted me to "verify" the contents of the luggage. Instead of asking me to an office, I was told to go to a shopping centre and later to a seedy hotel. That was one of the most frightening times.

Honestly, I had no idea what was happening, only that I have to keep the luggage for Giovanni's sake, since he has entrusted me to do so. In that seedy hotel room, two black men, wearing United Nation badges, claimed they do this as side "duty" and I must open the luggage to verify contents. I was then given an envelope with key and code. To my shock, the luggage did contain lots of USD, neatly bundled up and they even took some out to show me. I was fearful if I would be killed there and then.

But the moment they opened the box, they acted so "shocked" and wanted to implicate me for being involved in "terrorism", until i explained that, No, this was sent to me by a doctor now in Iraq but on his way to me. I am just keeping that on his behalf as he was here to invest and do small time charity. Due to the "unexpected nature" of the contents, the "officials" asked for a "Money Laundering Clearance".

Later, the agent "Morris Clinton" would ask me to prepare USD50K for "money laundering clearance". But I was upset, why did Giovanni assume that I would have the money? Giovanni was like he was busy still in Iraq and the relief doctors are not there yet, so he cannot leave. That left me with no choice but to "take care" of his business, since these was someone's fortune. I was acting out of great sense of duty. I have to raise the money no matter what, for how can I make him lose all those money that was his? Surely he has the ability to pay me when he gets the box.

But unfortunately, after that was paid, there were more problems. First the officers refused to let "Morris" off - just in case he was involved in terrorism, so they sent him back to Singapore, where the "regional" headquarters are. Then Giovanni was to fly to Singapore, verify he is the owner of the luggage and to prove that he is no money launderer.

While in Singapore, Giovanni was asked by the "headquarters" of diplomatic office, to get "Anti-Terrorism" certificate from UK, if not his luggage will be confiscated. That requires USD100K. But after some negotiations with UK World Bank office, they agree to take USD30K as deposit and the rest within one month. I didnt have much left by then. So I decided to just use my last savings in Hong Kong and sent him those money - to Singapore.

I was getting tired as my life was busy, but the constant cry for help really interrupted my peace. But I was stucked, I can never walk away and yet had difficulty to move on to help him, so I started applying for high interest business loans.

Next, while he was waiting for me to raise the USD30K, he was "physically assaulted" by some people who knew about the luggage. He was so badly attacked he needed to be hospitalized and the agent "Dr Morris" had helped him out. But I must pay for the medical fees, GBP4K before he could come back to Singapore from UK.

During the 2 weeks Giovanni went "missing" - recuperating, someone else pretended to be him, I was suspicious but could not be clear minded enough. He claimed to be Giovanni and was actually attacked by the the courier agent, Dr Morris, who was "extorting" from him since he knew about the cash in the box. With some help from Africans based in UK, he would go to Nigeria for safety as Morris could take his life. I was really upset about all the stories, praying hard for his safety and was asked to sent money for him in Lagos, Nigeria. I did as he told me there was no money for food or clothes as he lost all his personal belongings to "Morris".

Later, the "real" Giovanni called again, saying he was attacked and the man who claimed he ran to Nigeria for safety was actually his attacker. Dr Morris was indeed a kind man and offered him to stay in his house, for safety. I felt guilty about thinking what a horrible person this "Morris" was. Since then, I trusted him, thinking he was so kind to save Giovanni's life.

So I had been sending money for Giovanni's daily use in London, while raising the money for the medical fees. He was seeking treatment in UK and the fees were expensive. Some GBP4,000++.

After all is paid, then the agent said the luggage took too long to be cleared in Singapore and there was a fine - "demurage". So that was another USD100K. But Giovanni had negotiated with them to accept USD70K.

The problems dragged on. When I got my bank loans, I sent to Singapore, thinking - OK, my duty done. I was not even thinking about sharing the money in the luggage. However, Giovanni had professed love and wanted to start a new life, all kinds of sweet promises and all I cared about was for a good man to be "freed" from all the injustice brought to him just because he has been given the small fortune. I was truly worried about his personal safety much more than my own money being at stake.

Until all is paid, finally, he was to fly to Singapore. That day he was supposed to be here, he "disappeared". I was worried, why he didnt turn up at the airport. Then I called "Morris", who claimed "Giovanni" left him in Singapore, only saying he was on his way to me. To me, I was really worried now - I went so far to help Giovanni, now he is missing and all my money gone!

After a few more days, I kept calling Morris if there was news of Giovanni. Yet a few days later, Morris called me urgently and told me, Giovanni was stucked in NY. Giovanni supposedly had an affair with his daughter in London and had planned to meet in NY. Unfortunately, Giovanni was detained at NY airport, his daughter was there but could not find Giovanni and flew back to London tearfully.

I was deeply hurt. Not only his promises of love was feake, he betrayed me and also left with all the money without repaying me. Morris pretended to help me get "justice" done. So he then flew to NY to see what can be done. While there, Morris told me he found Giovanni detained at the airport - as his daughter had reported to him. He was also very sick, remorseful and helpless.

Morris told me US airport officials asked for USD12K before he can bring Giovanni back to UK and deal with him. He was "mad" with Giovanni for messing with his late-teenage daughter.

At this point I was tired. I said, even if Giovanni wanted to run off with some other female, I can take that, it is OK. But please I should get my money back, I have no idea I was a victim still.

After I paid yet another 12K USD, they went back to UK. The next thing is, Giovanni could not breath and was sent to hospital again - may be he was afraid of what might happen to him when Morris were to question him about the elopement.

Then, the US embassy people visited Giovanni in hospital, and the next thing is FBI found him and he has to go back to US for answering about the man he helped escape out of Iraq. So tearfully Giovanni told me to take care of the box after Morris deliver to me, invest wisely and wait for his return.

I was still stupidly kind at this point, Thinking, oh no, a good man is going to be held for unjust reason. He was innocent, I thought. So I had to "work" with Morris, to see how to deliver the box. Morris, asked for final GBP4K, since the box he left at UK customs when he got back from NY. He didnt bring home as he was afraid of crime.

After paying the last GBP4K, making my total loss about USD180K, Morris did not send any Western Union back to me. First he claimed he was questioned by American embassy, about how he knew about Giovanni. The next day he disconnected all phones. That was last Monday, April 7.

So for the past one week, I was numbed by the loss and the sudden realization it was a scam from the beginning, I should have heed the voices back in November when the bad people lured me to the room for "verification".

This is so insidious. I am now loaded with lots of debts and may take me may be 10 years to pay back. All savings and my kids' money are gone. I should be dead by now, but I am just calm outside. Inside me, it hurts so much I dont know what I should do now.

I cannot believe people can be so crafty and mean - even they knew I was praying hard for them even. I also believe, my constant mention about God and Bible made them even more determined to take maximum advantage of me.

I dont know what I should do next. I could not tell anyone and everyone will only rub salt in, saying it was my greed and stupidity. But from day 1 to now, I was never greedy about Giovanni's money - I never see it as mine. I was more interested if he would build a good company here and makes profits year after year. Those money will dwindle if not managed properly. I never thought of taking anything
from Giovanni, only to build a great relationship - which I thought existed. I was truly concerned about the "injustices" that happened to him.

Please tell me, I must be the greatest fool on earth and lost the most money in romance scam? may be I dont want to know too, but the guilt and shame really kept me sleepless and caused me to fear men. I thought after 6 months of lies and endless troubles, I can have my peace back. Now I have to deal with this pain that I could tell no one else. Except God and you all here, perhaps. And to pick up the pieces of debts left behind.

Where is justice? Is there none? Seeing so many victims - I felt I am not the only one but probably the worst hit victim, I felt so helpless.

Please can all of you suggest what I can do now. Laws are useless- with loopholes, bad people walk away with murders. Waiting for God's justice is one way. But I am in so much debts and ruins now...I have been scammed, thats attack 1. Now I will have to face money lenders/ creditors, attack 2.

File comment: This is most likely stolen photo, but were given to me
ME_edited.jpg [ 14.93 KiB | Viewed 27939 times ]
File comment: This picture was used in Myspace
gee.jpg [ 5.74 KiB | Viewed 27935 times ]
Gio passport.jpg
Gio passport.jpg [ 12.33 KiB | Viewed 27928 times ]
 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:10 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
Beware especially ladies in Malaysia, Singapore and probably every English-speaking place. This scam is real and it is extremely dangerous, the perpetrators are totally heartless and have no regard for God.

The emails used:

Yahoo ID: GM

File comment: This was shown to me - what the noble family was escaping with- from which they gave him a small fortune. I was not impressed (God is my witness), but Giovanni kept sending me emails professing love and new life in Malaysia.
THE_MONEY_IN_TRUNK_BOX.jpg [ 68.66 KiB | Viewed 27914 times ]
File comment: This was the passport used by "Morris Clinton"
my_passport.JPG [ 32.92 KiB | Viewed 27910 times ]
 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:16 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
Authorities, please what should we do with this agent in Singapore that is actively helping scammers hurt us?

This was written to me by diplomatic agent, "Clinton Morris""





A/C #:503 900 0645




 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:10 am 
Gold Member

Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:50 am
Posts: 291
Location: WI
$180K? Holy cow I am so sorry they stole from you. Unfortunately there is not much you can do, that Mr. Morris is more than likely not in Singapore and your chances of finding him are slim to none. You may want to file reports with all federal law enforcement agencies in your area (not sure where you are) and see if they will work on the case since there is so much money involved. Again, I am sorry you got scammed.

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:10 pm 
Site Admin/Co-Founder

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:09 pm
Posts: 2921
I know that this does not help to get any of your money back, but maybe posting the information here will help to save someone else. There are many people who will do a google search on the scammer's name, email address, phone number or other information they are given, and it will lead them right to your post on this site.

I would report this to the FBI and there are other agencies listed here ... _check.htm

that you can report to. Since you will be sending the same info to so many places, I would make sure that you have all of the info in one letter, similar to what your first post was, that way you know that you gave ALL of the information to all of the agencies.

Shawn Mosch
Co-Founder of
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 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:55 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
Hi Shawn,

Thank you. I will prepare a so-called incident report and send to all agencies involved, but this is just one part of it.

Other ideas I am thinking of:

1. Kick-start some "Anti Nigerian Scam" campaign - be more proactive rather than waiting for victims to come after they have been attacked.

Yes, we should give pressure to Nigeria as a country- unless they look into the organized and professional crimes they are indirectly supporting and permitting. Surely a country/ city that thrives on DECEPTION should not expect any respect from others (ok it may not be fair, but their people should do all they can to clean up the dirty act).

How can we gather statistics about the extent of scam? We must make it safe and anonymous for victims for many will be ashamed to come forward - but victims should be verified by trusted people like your site administrator. With these statistics, we can present our case and make a concerted effort to fight NIGERIAN SCAMMERS.

2. Inform and push Western Union to put up a simple sign reminding everyone should send money only to people they know well, unless for small purchases?

Perhaps their system should also pop-up a question, prompting agents and bank staff to at least, physically ask sender if he or she is sure to send this money? Is it to someone they know well?

Some skeptics may say I am idealistic, but we should do all we can to stamp out this menace, that will continue to hurt all of us in varying degree and even to destroy others.

Any more ideas about what we can do?

3. I will propose to internet congress/ security exhibitions to highlight on cyber-crime. Even to the extent of proposing blocking any contact with IP address that originates from Nigeria. But then, many also operate out of London or wherever.

4. I would like to gather all info on how one can protect oneself from such vicious attack, compile into an ebook, make it available to all, especially downloadable at law enforcement agencies website. Perhaps, I can also ask for USD1 per download to create a fund to help myself and later others as well.

Please your tag line is wonderful - there is strength in numbers. If we ALL CARE ENOUGH, we can fight this.

It is me now, but the next could be anyone's sister, daughters, wives, friends...etc. Of course the males are also target of such crimes.

I need all the support I can, thank you!

Latest Vic

(I choose "Vic" as my nickname, because I dont want to remain a "victim" but to become a "victor" someday. If I can do my bit to fight them, I should and I must.)

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:15 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
russellj84 wrote:
$180K? Holy cow I am so sorry they stole from you. Unfortunately there is not much you can do, that Mr. Morris is more than likely not in Singapore and your chances of finding him are slim to none. You may want to file reports with all federal law enforcement agencies in your area (not sure where you are) and see if they will work on the case since there is so much money involved. Again, I am sorry you got scammed.

Thank you for your post. I know the money will not be returned from these people who have lost all sense of shame and honor. They are ruthless. But help must be possible in various forms and from various sources.

Please continue to give me your moral support, I need that.

Thank you.

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:39 am 
Gold Member

Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:50 am
Posts: 291
Location: WI
Latest Vic wrote:
russellj84 wrote:
$180K? Holy cow I am so sorry they stole from you. Unfortunately there is not much you can do, that Mr. Morris is more than likely not in Singapore and your chances of finding him are slim to none. You may want to file reports with all federal law enforcement agencies in your area (not sure where you are) and see if they will work on the case since there is so much money involved. Again, I am sorry you got scammed.

Thank you for your post. I know the money will not be returned from these people who have lost all sense of shame and honor. They are ruthless. But help must be possible in various forms and from various sources.

Please continue to give me your moral support, I need that.

Thank you.

You are welcome for the post. I would have told you to file reports with the FBI and other Goverment sites but for some reason I thought you where in a different country and didn't want to give you bad information. You may actually get a response with your case from the FBI and Seceret Service or other federal law enforcement agencies due to the large amount of money you lost. Good luck on your pursuit, keep us posted on what happens.

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:59 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
Thank you sir, for your advice. I am not in US and neither am I an American. But scams are border-neutral and hits everyone.

I will still get my facts recorded and sent to all agencies, but now my tendency is to think how to find/ borrow/ raise/ earn some money to pay off part of the debts first, so it is somewhat stressful for me.

Sometime ago, I read of a girl who got into debts due to unchecked spending. So she went online to appeal for help. Surprisingly, it worked. Strangers were giving her money, ranging from USD1- USD50. When I suggested to some other people if I should do the same, I was told it was not right to find a quick fix.

Well, I should know that not everyone will understand me.

I was never greedy and have helped many others with my money - strangers and friends, but often these acts of kindness are not repaid. Yet expecting kindness from others seem to put me in a "selfish" mode now... what can I say.

I will keep all of you posted here. If there is any idea, or suggestions, please let me know. Explore with me whatever possibilities. Surely there must be a way out...

Anyway, not to be a racist - just dont deal with anyone who is Nigerian, or going to Nigeria or in anyway connected to Nigeria. I really wonder how, a place where they accept or even encourage deception on such a scale, expect to be respected?

Good night for now.

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:14 am 
Gold Member

Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:50 am
Posts: 291
Location: WI
Latest Vic wrote:
Thank you sir, for your advice. I am not in US and neither am I an American. But scams are border-neutral and hits everyone.

I know scams are border neutral, I just didn't want to tell you to file a report with the FBI or an American law enforcement agency since they won't be able to help you.

Latest Vic wrote:
I will still get my facts recorded and sent to all agencies, but now my tendency is to think how to find/ borrow/ raise/ earn some money to pay off part of the debts first, so it is somewhat stressful for me.

I would file your reports with the law enforcement agencies first because they may have a time limit to file a report. I understand how the burden of this sudden debt can be stressful but maybe the agencies you file reports with will have some advice on how to help settle the debts.

Latest Vic wrote:
Sometime ago, I read of a girl who got into debts due to unchecked spending. So she went online to appeal for help. Surprisingly, it worked. Strangers were giving her money, ranging from USD1- USD50. When I suggested to some other people if I should do the same, I was told it was not right to find a quick fix.

I think that people may view your story and then see you asking for money and take it as you are trying to scam them.

Latest Vic wrote:
Anyway, not to be a racist - just dont deal with anyone who is Nigerian, or going to Nigeria or in anyway connected to Nigeria. I really wonder how, a place where they accept or even encourage deception on such a scale, expect to be respected?

You have to realize that not everyone from Nigeria is a scammer and it is not fair to say that the entire country is full of them. I have met some very nice, honest people from Nigeria who are and never where scammers. Rather than saying don't deal with anyone from Nigeria, why not say be careful when sending money to someone in Nigeria.

Latest Vic wrote:
Good night for now.

Good night, or good morning since you will read this after you wake up :D

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:55 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
Hi sir,

Again, thank you for your insight. I appreciate that.

You are right - I have to find other meaningful ways to raise money and to move on in my life. I should never ask for something without giving something else in return, that is exactly what scammers do.

I am putting together a book now, so any suggestions from the community is appreciated.

I am wondering where to get statistics on victims - how many are there, how much they have lost and how they cope?

Also anyone from law enforcement that would like to give some ideas on how to work better with you?

Any techie out there who can recommend some technical tips on verifying the legitimacy of emails/ msn - that people are where they say they are?

Thank you.


 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:10 am 
Gold Member

Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:50 am
Posts: 291
Location: WI
Latest Vic wrote:
Hi sir,

Again, thank you for your insight. I appreciate that.

You are welcome.

Latest Vic wrote:
You are right - I have to find other meaningful ways to raise money and to move on in my life. I should never ask for something without giving something else in return, that is exactly what scammers do.

You are correct. Good luck with what you have decided to do.

Latest Vic wrote:
I am putting together a book now, so any suggestions from the community is appreciated.

This is a great idea that can reach and help millions of people.

Latest Vic wrote:
I am wondering where to get statistics on victims - how many are there, how much they have lost and how they cope? [/qote]

You should be able to find this info by doing a google search.

Latest Vic wrote:
Also anyone from law enforcement that would like to give some ideas on how to work better with you?

Check out a website called the founder of that site has some great tips on working with the police.

Latest Vic wrote:
Any techie out there who can recommend some technical tips on verifying the legitimacy of emails/ msn - that people are where they say they are?

Check out as they show how to find the senders IP address in an email and then you can do an IP search and find out where people are.

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:06 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:10 pm
Posts: 51
Latest Vic wrote:
Please tell me, I must be the greatest fool on earth and lost the most money in romance scam?

No, you were just conned by people who do it for a living and are very good at it.

I agree that you should report this. It's sad but true that the authorities don't get involved unless it's a lot of money but you did loose a lot of money. Not sure what they will be able to do and there are never any guarantees but that amount just might get them to put some effort into the case. It's worth a try.

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:21 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 am
Posts: 8
MattNW wrote:
Latest Vic wrote:
Please tell me, I must be the greatest fool on earth and lost the most money in romance scam?

No, you were just conned by people who do it for a living and are very good at it.

I agree that you should report this. It's sad but true that the authorities don't get involved unless it's a lot of money but you did loose a lot of money. Not sure what they will be able to do and there are never any guarantees but that amount just might get them to put some effort into the case. It's worth a try.

Thank you MattNW.

Certainly there are many ways - legal and moral - to make a living. These are people whose hearts are corrupted - they wanted an easy way out - and do it at the expense of others.

I was surprised to learn also that DECEPTION has been a menace on mankind since the dawn of time.... no wonder the Bible lashes out on deceit, lies, cheating so frequently. These scammers have perfected their art.

I have reported to authorities in Singapore, will approach police in Malaysia and UK soon. I wonder what will Western Union says - it seems they are "against" it but do nothing much about it.

Have a great weekend!

 Post subject: Re: USD180K lost to Nigerians that DESTROYED my life!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:04 pm
Posts: 3
Latest Vic, You sound like a Nigerian scammer looking to collect information from victims here and those that have detected and caught scammers.

The story is fantastical and the grammar mistakes and tone and attitude are exactly like the scammers.

I sense a build-up- asking the community at large for donations to help you deal with your "loss."

Or if not that- that you will at least glean some secrets and tips to use in trying to make Nigerian scammers better at what they do.

Why isn't anyone catching on to this?


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