Permapave/Permeabe Solutions
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Author:  plakman [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Meetings were supposed to start today with Erica, the person that handled the financials and who signed the letter that recently went out. Just wondering if anyone has met with her and what the meeting was about. (Could it finally be payday????) Hope to hear from someone soon.

Author:  tiredofitall [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Don't hold your breath for payday, date is very speculative. When is your meeting date Plakman?

Author:  plakman [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Going tomorrow....did you actually go yet?

Author:  tiredofitall [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Nope, not yet. Spoke to investors who have already gone though. Don;t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.

Author:  PurplePetals [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Went to the meeting. I agree with tired, there was another date given of 30-90 days for a possible payoff. Things have changed drastically from what Eric has been telling us, about the company being sold. The company is not sold as we were told, time and time again, please see below:

Now, PermaPave is buying a company that is publicly traded so that PermaPave can have shares to sell on the open market. . The FCC needs a 20 day grace period before the company can be bought, and then a 10 day processing period to evalute, etc. and it can take up to (big surprise) 90 days to approve the sale of this publicly traded company to Permapave (asked for the company name, she said she could not disclose). We spoke with a very nice lady named Erica, and I thought she was genuine and easy to talk to.

Then, the hedge fund company, that was supposed to outright buy PermaPave, will now buy shares of the company for up to $100 million. Anyone who signed the conversion agreement can: 1) choose to sell their money to this hedge fund for an undisclosed amount per share 2) Possibly sell shares to an undisclosed amount to a 3rd party financial company for a minimal amount of what you would get if you sold your shares on the market, but supposed to be safest way to get out, as they are taking all the risk, or 3) Take your shares, and sell it on the open market whenever you'd like (riskiest, but could be most profitable). One note about the hedge fund, if everyone wants to sell - then they would only agree to purchase a % of your shares, whatever it came out to make it fair (even) for everyone - and you'd get the rest of the shares to sell on the market, at your own discretion.

So, this is the story that we were told today. Questions I have are: What happened to all the stories we were told about this company wanting to buy PermaPave for a year, and now this is the first I'm hearing of this scenario - I've always been told different. I know I am just an investor, and I don't need to be privy to every move the company makes, but why am I being told such a drastically different story as to how I'm going to get my money than before. We were told previously (within the last 2 mos) by Eric that - Eric will get $25 million up front from the hedge fund, once financials were done, the investors/debtors get paid off first, then Eric gets his money after (remaining amount). Now, its a whole new story and way we are getting our money? Also, what if the FCC does not allow for Permapave to buy this publicly traded company, what then, is there a contingency plan? I asked a bit about it, but received no answer. And still no info of the hedge fund company, no name. On a personal note - Erica said she would work on getting my money (interest check) owed this week, I'll keep you posted.

And again, we are asked to wait, now, probably another 90 days. It feels like time is being bought to me. I'd love to believe this new info, but again, that's all it was - words, stories, words, we've been told for over 2 1/2 years now as to why we can't get our money back and why we have to wait. I hope I am wrong, but my prediction is, the 90 days gets drawn out (30-90 day quoted, of course it will take 90), then, there is a problem, and we have to wait some more. I hope I'm wrong and I can apologize to Eric in person and we all get our money. I hate to be on this site, and questioning everything that is being told to me, I'd much better believe in what is being told to me, and be happy to expect my money in a couple of months, but I feel like you can only believe so much, and then you are just a fool for believe everything you are getting fed. The only thing I learned today was another story, and I feel no closer to getting my money than before, and I feel very said and frustrated to have to feel this way.

Any thoughts from anyone else?

Author:  tiredofitall [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Going tomorrow to the meeting tomorrow... should be fun.

Purplepedals, since you mentioned that you haven't received your check or a response to your requests via emails, would you like for me to ask Ericka once person though this please contact you? I don't want to overstep my boundary, but a year is a bit too long to be waiting for it and I'm sure you could use it. Just personal message me if you would like me to do that.

I'm looking forward to hearing what Ericka has to say and ask some questions, hopefully they will be answered. Again, should be fun.

Joefrancismd, I look forward to receiving the information you say you have. Please let me know when that is ready.

Author:  PurplePetals [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Hey Mike1,

Do you have any suggestions of what investors like myself can do at this point? Please Private Message if you don't feel comfortable putting it on this site. I agree something has to be done. To me, strength is in numbers, that is why I am on this site, to hopefully get as many investors as possible who are not happy and figure out what to do together. Any input would be great.

Author:  plakman [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Hey Mike...just curious if you have ever been to Verigreens office. I really, really hope you are wrong in your assessment that this is a scam because I have invested way too much time and money already. That said, if you visit the office you will see lots of people hard at work and lots of product around for the other companies Eric owns. I know of his past but it was a long time ago. It will be interesting to see what happens....Erica said the SEC has 20 days to ok the purchase of the unnamed pink sheet company. I don't know about you but I certainly have my fingers crossed.

Author:  PurplePetals [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Hello Everyone,

I just want to post a message in regards as to why I am on this board and why I continue with it. I understand that Eric Aronson is monitoring and is not happy with the fact that this board/site exists. He has even had a fellow investor call me to ask me to no longer post. Let me get this clear, I am not happy this message board exists for PermaPave, nor that I am on it. I would much rather have never had to deal with this site or post on it. I am not here to persecute Eric or PermaPave in anyway, but, I feel I am on this board because I have no other options. Outside of everything else that has happened, in my case, I have been scammed out of $1000, an interest check owed to me. I have asked for this check through, certified mail, emails, phone calls, and various workers of PermaPave for one year and one month now, and to this day, I still have no check in hand. I, personally, have been scammed out of money rightfully owed to me and that is why I am here posting. Recently, I have emailed Erika 3 times this past week, and still, no answer about when I will be getting my check. Once I am paid, I will be happy to state it online, as I have always stated the facts only, bad or good, be what they may. There are obviously other factors that make me uneasy about PermaPave, but this is the biggest for me. I will keep everyone updated as to my status.

On a side note, another investor has told me that the deal with purchasing the company is done, and it should be anywhere from a week to a month when we should be getting info on when we will be paid back our initial investment.

Author:  mike1 [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

So my post regarding Eric J Arsonson's history has been taken down. Obviously the site is being censored in favor of the company. All I did was post FACTS. I agree that the information I put forth regards to the past, however it has EVERYTHING to do with the current. Do not get me wrong I have a lot of money invested like most of you, but I am just being a realist. I did some research, something some of you may want to do yourselves. DO NOT JUST LISTEN TO WHAT YOU HERE. If this works, you cannot just sell your shares and get out. There is a waiting period (a significant time period but I am not sure how long yet) before you can sell any shares. That means you have to hold the stock and prey it does not crash. So for all of those who thinks that payday is near, EVEN IF THIS DOES WORK we are looking at at least ANOTHER YEAR.

Strength is in numbers I agree. I hope this works and I wish everyone the best of luck in getting back there investment. Like I said earlier the best advice I can give is to do your own research. Speak to securities lawyers and ask them what they think. Use the internet and investigate on your own regarding a company going public and the regulations that go along with it. To me, it just doesn't seem feasible, but lets hope I am wrong.

Author:  plakman [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Actually, my understanding from Erica is that a canadian hedge fund is paying 100 million for Verigreen to buy a company that is already trading on the pink sheets. Permapave, or Verigreen is not doing an IPO but rather buying a company. In this way, again from what Erica said, it would save an enormous amount of time over trying to do an IPO. We are all supposed to get all cash for those of us that want no part of stock or cash and stock. Erica was working on the formula to determine how much each of us will get. The shares will be restricted (for a period of 6 months) and non-restricted, which we should be able to sell right away. Waiting with baited breath.........

Author:  mike1 [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

If this Canadian Hedge Fund were for real, each investor would have already been notified with detailed information. I have heard 100 million, 50 million, 25 million, 5.1 million... which one is it? If it was a "done deal" we would not all be hearing different stories depending on the time of the day you catch Eric. From my research, the company also has little to no assets, so how is it valued at 100 million? Also, what is the name of this Hedge Fund. And lets get the Funds contact information, prior deals, and a due diligence package. All of this should be no problem if the deal is even within 6 months of closing.

Author:  admin [ Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

mike1 wrote:
So my post regarding Eric J Obviously the site is being censored in favor of the company. All I did was post FACTS.

No . . . it is NOT. I am, and always will be, for the "little guy" and do not like company's that take advantage of anyone. That being said, some post did contain information that was not related to the topic at hand or could be considered defamation of character and we at Scam Victims United do not have a large legal staff or the funds to support a legal battle over such items. We have to pick our battles.

For that reason, some posts have been removed or edited. If it continues to be a problem THIS thread will be shut down just as the last one was.

Author:  toxic [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

Hi there all the investors
WE have been working on a problem with the pavers .which are been or tried to be sold by permapave .the fact is the pavers are good looking but there has been a problem with the binder which include no uv stabilizer and the finished paver is extremely brittle .its got me how this has been sold anywhere .WE have came up with a better binder which is getting tested in the Q labs as we speak .there is not one factory in the permapave group that is running at the moment all have the same story with regard to john .this man seems to be hiding from anyone .we tried to talk to him to give him a chance to change to this new binder only to have the phone hung up on us .We do have the answer to the problems with the pavers .but are having a hard time trying to introduce this binder .

Author:  tiredofitall [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Permapave/Permeabe Solutions

OK, so here is my husbands meeting, supposedly with Erica and me on speaker phone, in a nutshell. It was with Eric, not Erica, as he said Erica's job was finished with Permapave, which would explain why her phone is no longer in service. He told John all about the stock certificates, the 1st set was to pay back the investors initial investment. The second set was in Eric's words, not mine (all on tape if anyone wants to check) a gift for putting up with all the stuff for the past few years that would be restricted to a 6 month holding time as not to bankrupt the company. He showed my husband the certificates, but with the pertinent info blacked out so that accusations of insider trading could not be made (makes sense I think) but not the issue date on them, which were dated 2009. My husband asked about that, but didn't receive an answer, asked again a little while later, still no answer, so I guess I have to ask Fred about that one. I'll keep you posted. He also could not answer how the deal will differ for us, being that we still have the convertable debenture. Another question for Fred. But Eric assured my husband that by the end of this week (July 9th) (again, on tape if you want to hear this) this would all be done, we would have our certificates and we would all have at least our initial investments back.

On a personal note, and I am aware I am not allowed to put anything other than the facts, but these statements are facts, and be validated by my tape of the conversation. #1: I, Julie, was the largest contributor of broken deals for the company because of the postings I have done on scam victims united. #2: Eric and his lawyers many times were going to sue me for deformation of character because of what I have posted. Fun facts.

Joe Frances, I am still looking forward to that information you promised to me, any idea when I can expect it?

Purple pedals, any news on your check?

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