re-posted from the Americans for Fairness in Lending
The greedy and reckless behavior of big Wall Street banks, credit card companies, and mortgage lenders caused a financial crisis that cost Americans lost housing wealth, millions of jobs, billions of dollars in tax-payer funded bailouts and trillions of dollars in lost college and retirement savings.
As the Senate takes up financial reform legislation, we are asking our Senators to put an end to the abuses that led to the financial crisis. Join us!
Go to ... d=14677901 and the form will show you how to contact your Senators.
Talking Points:
1) Crack down on irresponsible and reckless behavior by big Wall Street banks and hold them accountable,
2) Protect consumers by policing unfair and deceptive practices by credit card companies, mortgage companies, and predatory lenders, and create a strong and independent consumer financial protection agency to get the job done well,
3) Close the loopholes that allow secret and risky "shadow markets" deals where big banks enjoy the winnings of gambling with our money, and then expect us to pay when they lose.