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 Post subject: Boyce Photography
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:01 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:59 am
Posts: 1
I would like to shed some light on a photographer (Tom Boyce of Boyce Photography) I worked with when I was 16, (3 years ago.) I don't want others to get hurt so I want everyone to know what happened to me.

I got to his studio in wisconsin with my mom. His studio was at his work in a backroom with very nice photography equipment. He gave a LONG speech about how you should always go to photoshoots with someone else. He also talked a lot about how he took pictures of his daughter who was around 16 at the time, in a strapless dress and how that made him very uncomfortable. He talked about that for a very long time. On his profile on OneModelPlace, he labeled these pictures of his daughter in a strapless dress, "Glamor" pictures. They were no such thing. Glamor pictures in modeling means provocative, sexy Rated R but not full nudity. My mother and I thought it was all really weird. At one point I dressed into a shirt that exposed my bra scraps and he told me it made him uncomfortable and he was going to edit them out.

So next I took my pictures, everything was great. He kept me laughing. I had a good time.

He told me he would retouch them with photoshop because he is so good with photoshop. He promised to send me 200 pictures on a cd.

He sent me 5 pictures through email that were HEAVILY photoshoped. I showed these pictures to a lot of people and we all concluded these pictures looked disturbing, sick and creepy. He called me asking if I liked them and I think I said "they're okay" he told me he would send me the rest of the pictures soon.

Soon never came. My mother called him later and he said he "lost the pictures."

From meeting him and seeing the pictures he altered of me, I have concluded he is a sick person. Don't work with him. His name again is Tom Boyce of Boyce Photography. If you choose to work with a photographer, ALWAYS sign a contract BEFORE you take any pictures. He promised he would let me sign it AFTER I took them but that never happened either. Always go with someone and always request before you take any pictures that you want a copy of all unaltered and altered pictures just in case his version of altering is creepy.

He recently moved from Wisconsin to Houston, Texas.
Here is his profile link on ONEMODELPLACE

Here is his website:

 Post subject: Re: Boyce Photography
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:02 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:56 am
Posts: 3
We would be very interested in having you give us full details on this company/individual. Please visit

We have a complaint section that you can complete the details;

Unfortunately, this is all too common and unless official complaints are made, little can be done to stop them doing it again!



 Post subject: Re: Boyce Photography
PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:30 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:15 am
Posts: 1
I am sorry that the young woman in the original post had such a negative experience. It was not my intention to make her feel uncomfortable. As she was just starting out, I took some time to talk to her about the dangers that some young women experience with photographers that use their art to prey upon young models. I see now that my talk with her made her feel uneasy and I feel bad as that was not my intention.

She also mentioned that she did not recieve the pictures. That is true. Unfortunately, I had stupidly loaded them onto my computer without making a CD backup and they were lost when the hard drive crashed. I apologized to her mother.

As for the crux of her complaint, that I don't think it acceptable to take pictures of underage girls who are dressed immodestly, I am guilty. That's not something I intend to change though.

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