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 Post subject: Ross Liddell Scam Company In Glasgow G1 4AW
PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:07 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:51 pm
Posts: 2
to all people who read this. be very careful of this company ross liddell as they embezzle large sums of revenue out of your bank account after they twist and embezzle court cases at Glasgow Sheriff Court and believe you me if you don`t pay there bills they will send a sheriff officer to your home address and states he will put explosive devices under your vehicle to endanger your life. Tayside and Strathclyde police have been given written reports about this and the law in scotland is twisted as the sheriff principal of glasgow and strathkelvin sheriff court is well aware of these terrorist threats and basically nothing gets investigated. Total crooks, thieves, fraud what ever way you put it i classify it as scams and they tell people they do the most tremendous workmanship which is definately falsified statements as i`ve perosnally asked to see this contract of an agreement which doesnt take place as i have never signed 1 still state i due them money and the law accepts this. when you question them you are always subjected to verbal abuse, insulting language, indecent vocabulary mainly from the low life staff John Brolly, Irene Devanny and Simon Fitzpatrick and there Sheriff Officer Graham Baird who will do anything to harasse, victimise and even make terrorist threats just to force money out of you. Disgusting evil minded people. If you do find yourself in this situation do contact Tayside or Strathclyde Police as i`ve perosnally written to them about this as i will not be subjected to bomb threats. Do take action. is there web page

 Post subject: Re: Ross Liddell Scam Company In Glasgow G1 4AW
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:49 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:58 am
Posts: 1
re the comments made alresdy on Ross & Liddell - I am a contractor who is taking these guys to court! They have not paid me for over £9,000, have lied and changed what they have said and also given confidential financial information to 3rd parties!
It seems to me that they are activley ttying to make every excuse not to pay a smaall self emplyed business man.
DO NOT DEAL with them!!!!!! - they are NOT to be trusted

 Post subject: Re: Ross Liddell Scam Company In Glasgow G1 4AW
PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:06 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:51 pm
Posts: 2
Upon a recent Court action at the Sheriff Court in Glasgow and Strathkelvin the company Ross and Liddell failed with there action and as a result the defender being myself won the case. AS the so called director Irene Devenny who can only be described as rude, of
offensive and of filth nature is so thick incompetent of her position which I will go on to explain. When the defender wins the Court action that's the end of the matter the pursuer in this case being Ross and Liddell cannot come into the Court and raise a fresh action and as Irene Devenny has sent a final demand to my property address to which they have no evidence to pursue me will actually find that she will be charged with contempt of Court which I will explain. As myself have personally written statements to the Police and the Procurator Fiscal who see this as Harassment is actually committing "CRIMINALITY" will be charged as I will personally do this. If another action is raised I was specifically told that the company will be charged with "DISOBEYING COURT ORDERS" and also "DISRESPECTING THE SHERIFF OF THE COURT AND COURT STAFF". This director must be really stupid but believe you me if this does happen I personally will take this company down the "CRIMINAL" route and I really hope this director does this both the Dundee evening telegraph and the Dundee courier are fully aware of this but please keep this going Mrs Irene Devenny seeing that you have repeatedly and persistently characterised myself as a "F***ING P***K" and seeing that you have used this approach this also has been reported to the Procurator fiscal what an excellent way to represent a company and you call yourself a director very nice vocabulary. Please just keep it going Mrs Devenny your digging yourself your own "GRAVE". If any member of the public is put in the same situation please report these matters to the Police and the Procurator Fiscal after all Inspector Mark Leonard told me this is "CRIMINAL" who this gentleman can only be described as having the correct education. Just keep it going Mrs Irene Devenny and see what happens I will still keep writing these letters.

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