Pay pal chain letter
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Author:  pam [ Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Pay pal chain letter

Has anyone made or anyone know of anyone that has made money from the "AS SEEN ON OPRAH" paypal chai letter?
Comments appreciated :?:

Author:  KarynSolo [ Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would not ever take part in chain letters. Why do people even consider this, there are many HONEST ways to make money. I have seen people shut down on paypal for taking part in such it is AGAINST the rules.

Author:  pam [ Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Chain letter

You are right, there are many ways to make money honestly, I actually rec'd this & sent in the money for it, because believe it or not I had never heard of it, so I was curious, so I thought I would gather some information about it. I am actually involved w/a very good business which I have been involved in Since January & it is actually doing very well, but when I rec'd this I thought what would it hurt to try, it was only $10.00. Like they say if it is too good to be true, you best believe that it is.
Now I know.


Author:  lilokster [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Actually this "scam" would really work in theory.
I have not tried it. But just like you signed up under someone, if you got others to do the same, and they got others to do the same, and so on.... It would really do exactly as it says.

I'm sure that more than likely it was originally started by someone using ten of their own email addresses and they probably made alot of money off of it.

But the fact is, if it was done correctly it would be very profitable for everyone involved. It is so popular and so widely considered a scam that I doubt even 1 in 100 people actually do it. So it would be hard to make it work.

Author:  maninthestreet [ Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:48 am ]
Post subject: 


Perhaps you should sit down and do the mathematics with regards to chain letters, and you would see that the overwhelming majority of people do not benefit from these schemes.

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