I'm not a victim, but I'm a person who knows a LOT of victims. I'm a relay operator. I am forced to make relay calls from Nigerians to unsuspecting people and businesses so that they can buy merchandise using stolen/manufactured credit cards.
In case you don't know what a relay operator is- here's the basics of it. When a deaf person wants to make a phone call, obviously they can't just pick up the phone and call. They have to use a TTY machine, and more recently, they can do it over the computer, or using a sidekick or blackberry. They connect to the relay operator through one of the IP Relay websites. They type in the number they want to call, and I get that info on my computer. I dial the number, and introduce the relay call to the person who answers the phone. They then carry on a conversation back and forth. I speak what the deaf person is typing- and I type back what the speaking person is saying. Relaying.
What's happened, though, is that Nigerians have hijacked this service for the deaf, and they use it to make their long distance calls to the US businesses they want to scam. The operator is mandated by the FCC to just relay the call, regardless of content. Confidentiality is the key to maintaining the service. You cannot reveal anything to the person on the phone ANYTHING about what's going on, or you would be "breaking transparency".
That all said, I've come to know a LOT about scams, scammers and victims. You can come to our website through this link.
It's a website owned, maintained and used by relay operators. We are just getting it off the ground, so bear with us until all the kinks are worked out. But if you're looking for info, that's a good place to start.